City Manager
The City Manager’s Office oversees the performance of the five departments of the City.
The City Manager’s Office oversees the performance of the five departments of the City.
Planning and Development ensures developments comply with codes and ordinances.
The Public Works Department provides streets, utilities, transit, sewer, and disposal services.
The Finance Department provides various accounting and business services.
Dinuba Police Department’s mission is to reduce crime and enhance the quality of life in Dinuba.
The City of Dinuba Fire Department is an “all-risk” fire department. We strive to serve our community.
Transit service is available via the Tulare County Regional Transit Agency (TCRTA). The TULARE COUNTY...
The City Clerk’s Office is the principal link between the City Council and the citizens of the City.
Responsible for the efficient operation of the City’s personnel system.
The City of Dinuba Parks & Community Services. We make fun happen!
What is being planned:
The City of Dinuba, with funding from the Active Transportation Program, proposes a pedestrian and bicycle improvement project along six (6) road segments within the city totaling 7.5 miles. Work is proposed along six (6) segments:1) Alta Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Kamm Avenue, 2) East El Monte Way from Alta Avenue to Road 92, 3) East Kamm Avenue from Alta Avenue to College Avenue, 4) East Tulare Street from M Street to I Street, 5) Crawford Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Kamm Avenue, and 6) Euclid Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to West El Monte Way.
The proposed work includes construction, installation and/or replacement of the following: bike lanes/routes, sidewalks, curbs, ramps, drive approaches, ped-heads, flashing beacons, signage, red curbs, green pavement enhancement, flush medians, shortened crossings, bump-outs, streetlights, and concrete intersections. Improvements are proposed at Rose Ann Vuich Park and include construction of a sidewalk on the southern boundary of Rose Ann Vuich Park. Rose Ann Vuich Park has been determined to be a 4(f) resource that would be affected by the project. Impacts of the project include a pedestrian walkway totaling to 3,972 square feet along the southern boundary of Rose Ann Vuich Park. Access to the park would be maintained during construction.
The Tulare County Association of Governments is seeking interested Dinuba residents to fill the vacant position for the City of Dinuba on the Measure R Citizens' Oversight Committee. On November 7, 2006, the voters of Tulare County approved Measure R, imposing a 1/2 cent sales tax for transportation within the incorporated and unincorporated area of Tulare County for the next 30 years. The transportation measure will generate slightly more than $652 million over 30 years to Tulare County’s transportation needs. The Measure R Citizens' Oversight Committee is tasked with overseeing the funding and ongoing expenditures for Measure R.
The City of Dinuba is developing a Vision Zero Action Plan. This Plan will guide policies and programs with the goal of eliminating traffic crashes that result in fatalities and severe injuries along Dinuba's roadways. The City of Dinuba Vision Zero initiative strives to improve safety for everyone traveling around the city, whether walking, cycling, driving, or riding public transit, and to improve the identified high-crash injury locations. The Vision Zero Action Plan sets an ambitious long-term goal to prioritize safety along Dinuba's roadways with Vision Zero programs and incorporate a multidisciplinary Safe System approach.
The City of Dinuba is applying for grant funds to implement walking and biking improvements throughout the city. We want to hear from students and parents about their current walking/biking habits, and concerns regarding walking and biking to/from Dinuba schools. Please let us know your thoughts in the survey below.
NOTICE IS HERERBY GIVEN, pursuant to California Government code §54974 that vacancies exists for the following boards and commissions:
Historic Preservation Commission:
One (1) at-large position
Dinuba Economic Development Commission:
Two (2) positions with terms expiring (1) in December 2020 and (1) in December 2021.
The City of Dinuba Downtown Beautification Program encourages public involvement in the enhancement of planter boxes and “bulb-outs in and around the downtown. The Adopt-A-Planter program is a volunteer-based activity where area volunteer groups “adopt” and maintain designated planter boxes and flower beds. By working together, we can help to enhance the beauty and inviting atmosphere of our Downtown assets.